From Struggle to Strength

A Father’s Journey with Autism Embracing Hope and Positivity

Some are too stubborn or macho to accept the autism diagnosis. And once upon a time, Harry Psaros was that guy. Harry wants to be a voice for dads in the autism fight.
From Struggle to Strength was written so other dads can learn from Harry's mistakes, work with their family to support their child on the spectrum and their successful development, see how his son Gus is thriving with the support of both parents, and ultimately understand that an empowered mindset drives lasting growth and fulfillment in the journey with autism.

From practical advice for nurturing your child's growth to the mental attitudes and mindsets that parents of children with autism need to succeed, From Struggle to Strength helps fathers step up and be the support for their children that they long to be. Yes, there is confusion on the autism journey. No, there is no step-by-step guide book where you follow a recipe to help your child succeed. But, there is a way to be informed, to be supportive, and to create a unified front as a family fighting on this journey together.

Many fathers resist assisting their children on the autism spectrum.

Book cover titled 'From Struggle to Strength' by Harry Psaros, featuring yellow boxing gloves and a puzzle piece symbol, highlighting a father's journey with autism and positivity.

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Book cover for 'From Struggle to Strength' by Harry Psaros featuring yellow boxing gloves and text: 'A Father's Journey with Autism and the Power of Hope and Positivity.' Included are Amazon Books and 'Best Seller' symbols, with a puzzle piece motif.
A man speaking at a podium with a sign reading 'Advancing Orthodoxy and Hellenism in America' at a Leadership 100 event.
Image of a book cover titled 'From Struggle to Strength' with boxing gloves, alongside a family portrait of four people in formal attire. The text reads 'Family is Everything No Matter How Imperfect it May Seem to Others.'

Harry feels “If you are breathing air, you should be helping others”.

Harry wants to be a voice for dads in the autism fight.

Harry feels “If you are breathing air, you should be helping others”. • Harry wants to be a voice for dads in the autism fight. • •


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